
Financial Securities Solution


  • 製品・サービスの強み

    対JASDEC(証券保管振替機構)、日銀との接続におけるSTP(Straight Through Processing)環境の実現、将来的に展望される決済期間の短縮(T+1)を見据えたポストトレード業務に必要な機能をご提供します。






























    ※推奨環境 OS:Windows10、ブラウザ:Google Chrome





    TCS JASDEC/BOJ PostTrade package
    TCS Wholesale Solution

    for security brokers/traders
    STP solution designed to streamline post trade operation

    Key functions

    TCS Post Trade Package (referred to as “TCS Package” hereinafter) helps wholesale traders and brokers process back office operations beginning from order confirmation until settlement with the minimum human intervention involved.
    TCS Package provides users with STP capability in JASDEC and BOJ environment, which will eventually meet the coming T+1 requirements.

    ✓Assist function to repair message etc. and reduce human intervention and cost thereof
    ✓Cross-boarder operation : ISO 20022 messaging, Non-resident function, multilingual GUI
    ✓Detect discrepancies in settlement matching and minimize human-made operational errors
    ✓Competitive price setting and scalable service selection to reduce OPEX

    Scope of customers, financial instruments

    Our product best fits for FIs such as broker/dealer and banks, especially when considering:
    ・Expansion of business into the wholesale market in Japan
    ・Replacement of legacy system, or system cost reduction

    Our product covers such financial instruments as:
    ・Major listed stocks and securities, stock lending, investment trust

    Benefit from the service implementation

    Mitigate the operation workload by sidelining pending notices and secure STP capacity

    Illustration to show how to handle pending notices in effective way

    Primary features

    ① Support order confirmation and settlement process in back office

    ・One-stop capability of overseeing order placement and settlement status
    ・Fully compliant with hundred-plus JASDEC message formats

    ②Designed for cross-boarder operation

    ・universal protocol of messaging based on ISO20022 format, fully compliant with JASDEC messaging rules
    ・multilingual option, Japanese or English, available at login screen

    ③Mitigate operational risk and improve operational excellence

    ・Operational risk and burden are smaller than those in manual workflow using JASDEC terminal

    illustration of difference in workflow and human intervention

    ④OPEX, system maintenance cost reduction

    ・Straight Through Processing and automated workflow help users reduce manual data entry, verification and subsequently OPEX.
    ・Competitive system cost to bring the significant benefit (when compared with the other vendors’ price
    surveyed by TCS)
    ・Flexible options available for customers who prefer to use the service selectively

    User friendly functions

    ①Alert system helps manage operational risks

    ・The number of alarming transactions are displayed on real-time basis, arranged and itemized by types of operation i.e. PSM or settlement, and by error-status i.e. unmatched or pending settlement.
    ・Users are guided from the landing page to the right screen seamlessly and intuitively, step by step, shown as below.

    ②Operational Excellence with the rich search option

    ・Settlement status search screen displays the pending status or the completion of transaction. Users can narrow down the information when necessary.
    ・In response to the request made into the screen, the resulting screen indicates the detailed information of the transaction, along with the history and associated messages.
    ・Given such function, users can make a quick and accurate response to the customers’ inquiry about their transactions.

    ③Easy repair of erroneous message

    ・When users review a message and find that it requires an amendment, it can be repaired and dispatched on the spot via this screen.

    ④Internal control for administrating operator

    ・Designed to meet the requirements / demands for internal control and automation, especially among FIs.
    ・User profile options to / not to grant the privilege, and operational log data collected and archived herein.


    ①Systems and transaction flows

    ②Customer/Users interface

    ・ASP is recommended as TCS can host and run the system in its data center.
    ・Data connection, interface with the legacy system of users can be established in flexible manner.

    ※ Recommendation OS:Windows10、Web browser:Google Chrome

    ③Monitoring team

    ・As TCS monitors the system in our data center 24/7 365, users need to pay little atttention in terms of system maintenance.
    ・The data centar is resistant against disaster and security risk.